So today Ian, Hunter, Mom and I went to the brand spanking new Panda Express in Gig Harbor for dinner. I've never felt more overstimulated and overwhelmed by bright colors and equally colorful heaps of food and people behind the counter shouting things frantically at us like, "fried rice or chow mein???" We all timidly collected our food and slinked out the back door to escape with our dinner outside. I felt buzzed.
Speaking of buzzed, I have felt buzzed all day. I have a to-do list with tasks to check off, and it seems like instead of making neat little checks, I keep adding more things to do. This evening, frustrated, I threw the list aside in a fit of displeasure and pet my dog instead. It felt good to sit for awhile and do nothing but stare at the white wall with her.
Also while out, Ian and I decided that Starbucks and Target together make a complete protein. It's embarrassing that we think this way.
And...I can't remember who said it, but I came across this quote while looking over my notes from the study abroad orientation weekend at Linfield last spring:
[On what clothing to pack for France]: Only children wear bright colors, and if adults do, they are considered immature and do not understand the tragedy that is life.
All this, after I just bought a brand new bright flashy red cardigan. Ohhh, I'm excited. :)
You were never one to admit the tragedy of life. Instead you protest the pessimism and proclaim your joy. SO wear your bright red cardigan, and bring people smiles :-)
don't worry, girl. wear the red sweater. It's okay. That wouldn't normally be considered weird. And even if it was, you don't want to fit in too much. when I lived there (and it's probably still like this) people would wear the same outfit for 5 days in a row and only shower every couple days. So, as you see, it's okay to be a little different. The best thing you can do for yourself is work really hard on your pronunciation (sp?) and on your French language skills in general.
We'll miss you!
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